I have many friends and relatives all over the world, and very kindly these special people have been purchasing Dogfin. My Father was from Singapore he was the young child of 10. He was the only son to come to England in 1948. 2 of his sisters married English servicemen and settled in England, another settled in Denmark. His brothers all stayed in Singapore. The Jansen family has grown as you would expect, and now span many different countries. Australia and Singapore being the main countries, but also in Denmark, USA, New Zealand and UK. On my mother’s side only 1 of 2 brothers are still alive, he has 2 son’s and they all live in Germany.
Then there are friends who have moved too, again Australia being the favourite place but others have moved to Spain and Italy. In Scotland my sister is promoting Dogfin and I have had many purchases made. Closer to home in Stockport it’s also had a lot of interestSo Dogfin is spreading his wing’s, for which I am truly grateful. Thank you, to you all for your support and helping Dogfin to reach other corners of the world. I hope reading it makes you smile as it made me smile writing it.

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