Well looks like Dogfin is starting to get around. Yesterday I was kindly invited to Stockport heritage library, where I met Dave who oversees this section of Stockport library. I donated a signed copy of Dogfin for their archives and another copy for them to display. They have copies of all books that have been written by Stockport authors in their archives. It’s a beautiful impressive building with plenty of character, many people spend time there reading, studying or surfing the web. Also posters have gone up in local shops and today the local riding school -Glen Jakes where my granddaughter has lessons very kindly put a Dogfin poster in their office 😊. I have received wonderful photos of interest being show in Dogfin, from as far as the Scottish Boarder’s to as close as my neighbour’s. This is a real bonus as it shows how much it is being enjoyed. The main aim for me is to make people happy. As there is enough sadness in the world. And when you see the photos attached to this message I hope it will make you smile. I am having Facebook lessons off friends, so hopefully it won’t be too long until I have all the knowledge I need to be confident in social media. In the following photos is the namesake of a character in Dogfin. I can’t give too much away, but it’s not a human. 🤣 I am hoping to get a call from the local newspapers on Monday, so I might have more news soon. But for now enjoy your weekend and stay safe.

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